Course Details
X5 - Class 5 Instructor Training
- 8 Hour in-class training
- online practice question access
- 20 Hours in-vehicle training
- 4-6 hours observation of driver training lessons available on request
- Knowledge test and road test booking
- Car rental for the first road test included
Note: To take this instructor training course, you have to:
- have 3 year or more of class 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 (Non-GDL);
- held class 1, 2, or 4;
- have clean driving record;
- have clean criminal record;
- pass initial screening test.
A10 - Basic Online Course
- 10 Hour In-Car Training
- 15 Hour Online Classroom (computer program, you can take one or more capters anytime when you are available. There will be an exam when you complete the 15 hour program.)
- Course Completion Certificate will be issued after completion of course successfully (80% to pass the online classroom exam, 75% driving skill evaluation)
- Pick up and drop off within the city limits (no drop off after road test)
D10 - 10 Hr Driving Course
- 10 Hour Driving Training (5 driving classes)
- Road test evaluation
- Pick up and drop off within the city limits (no drop off after road test)
T1R - 2 Hr Intensive Training for Road Test
- 2 Hours intensive driving class - Prepare for the road test
- Professional assessment
T1 - 2 Hr Driving Lesson / Brush Up Lesson
- 2 Hour Driving class
- Professional assessment
- Pick up and drop off within the city limits
B0 - Online Classroom
Course Completion Certificate will not be issued until successful completion in-car hours (10 hours for GDL drivers, 6 hours for class 5 (non-GDL) drivers, 75% driving skill evaluation)
Car5A - Car Rental for Class 5 Road Test
Class 5 road test is 45 minute long.
7OLT - Online Learner's Preparation Course
English version coming soon!